Wednesday, November 22, 2017

36 Weeks

This baby moves nonstop. It is so foreign to me because Brooklyn was so lazy when I was pregnant with her. (We actually ended up going in to the hospital one night because I hadn't felt her move for over 24 hours.) He is also very high in my ribs which makes sitting very uncomfortable!

I guess the good thing about being 36 weeks pregnant over Thanksgiving is maybe I won't eat so much! Or it will make me eat more ha! I'm just glad my doctor appointment is the day before and not the day after Thanksgiving :)

I still have been feeling so good. This pregnancy has been amazing and I really don't have much to complain about! I was telling Curtis a few weeks ago that I don't feel like I am as far along in my pregnancy as I am because I feel so great! I was so miserable with Brooklyn's pregnancy! Ha.

We are getting pretty dang excited for baby brother to get here and we are totally okay with him coming any time starting the week after Thanksgiving!

I had my 36 week appointment today. The baby's head was REALLY low so the ultrasound tech had a hard time getting measurements. Hopefully that means he will come soon ;) He was measuring 6 lbs 14 oz, so he's measuring pretty big! The doctor said I am a little bit dilated and just waiting for contractions to dilate more. My blood pressure was high so they are going to keep an eye on it. The doctor told me to relax, I laughed and said "Relax with a 2 year old??" Haha! We are still planning on inducing a week early, if my blood pressure stays high it may be earlier than that. So within the next 3 weeks baby boy will be here!

It's getting a lot harder to roll over in bed, but I guess that's to be expected!

I have only gained 12 lbs and I am hoping to keep it under 15 lbs gained this pregnancy! Hopefully it will help me lose the baby weight that I never lost with Brooklyn's pregnancy..

Belly is sticking out there pretty far! 36 week bump.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Brooklyn: 2 years

Happy 2nd Birthday sweet girl! 

Brooklyn is strong-willed, stubborn, polite, lovable, playful, sweet, rambunctious and about a million other things! We love her so much and can't even believe she's 2! 

Brooklyn is at such a fun age. We took her to the trampoline park on her birthday and she absolutley loved it! Every time we've taken her before she's hesitant and it takes her a while to get used to it and start playing. This time she ran up the stairs and jumped right on the trampoline. She was even jumping in the foam pit all on her own and I was so surprised! She also has been loving the pool so much more lately and its so fun! 

Brooklyn loves to ask, "What you doing?!" about a million times a day. If we leave the room, if we pick something up, if we stand up.. haha pretty much whenever we move! She's very observant!

Brooklyn's favorite word the past few months has been "mine"! She thinks absolutely everything in our house is hers and if you take it from her she can throw a nice 2 year old tantrum! In fact, on her birthday she showed us some true 2 year old colors. She threw FIVE tantrums in one day! Like on the floor kicking and screaming and crying tantrums. Man, we're in for it with this one! But she can also be the absolute sweetest girl too! 

We have started potty training. Sleep training, weening from nursing, taking the pacifier away and taking the bottle away were a PIECE OF CAKE compared to potty training. It doesn't help that Brooklyn is a lot more stubborn than me ha! But we're working on it and she is getting better each day! Now I just have to work up the courage to actually leave the house with her in underwear and not a diaper ;) 

I just love my sweet girl so much and can't wait to see her as a big sister in a few weeks. She is going to just LOVE her baby brother to pieces! (Hopefully not literally ha!)

"Brooklyn are you excited for baby brother?"
"Why not?"
"Mmmmm, I don't know."

Brooklyn loves to play with my hair! I will sit on the floor and she will sit behind me on the couch and play with it forever, I love it as much as she does!

Brooklyn can say her name when you ask her and how old she is! It's the cutest thing!