Friday, May 24, 2019

Brooklyn: 3 years 6 months

Brooklyn and Parley had a playdate so I could go to a dr appointment. When I got there to pick them up Brooklyn didn't want to leave- she was having too much fun playing. I told her she could run around the counter one more time with Trey. I turned around and they were standing there hugging, once Brooklyn started pulling away from the hug Trey leaned in and tried kissing her. It was the cutest thing ever.

Brooklyn loved talking to baby sister in my tummy. "Hi baby sister, I love you, I miss you."

Brooklyn also loves tic tacs.

She wants another brother.

Brooklyn has been going through an ornery stage. She has been throwing a lot of fits and telling us no a lot. I think it might have to do with a baby coming soon.

When we left to go to the hospital to have Lila, Brooklyn threw the biggest fit I've ever seen. I was crying by time we left because it was so sad and she was so upset that we were leaving her.

Even though she can throw a fit that makes me want to pull my hair out she is also the sweetest and most helpful little girl. I love watching her imagination grow and seeing her learn and play.

When the kids came to the hospital to see Lila she said "Mommy we have 2 babies now!"

Brooklyn got to go to Rexburg with grandpa Will and grandma Patty to visit cousins. She had so much fun.

Brooklyn got a camera for Easter and has turned into quite the little photographer.

Brooklyn wanted BYU hair. 

Parley: 1 year 5 months

If Parley is sitting down his legs are crossed. 

Parley was walking to his bedroom to take a nap. He stopped halfway through the kitchen and walked back to the living room. He went up to Brooklyn and gave her a kiss then turned around and went back to his bed to take a nap.

Parley loves tic tacs and could eat a whole container in one sitting if I let him. 

Brooklyn was telling Curtis "Bye, I love you" one morning when he was leaving for work and Parley yells "Love you!" to him as well.  

He will give you kisses all day long if you tell him "I love you".

Parley loves holding baby sister. He loves her toes and hands and giggles at them all the time. 

Parley constantly has some sort of owie. He had 3 black eyes in the past month.