Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Christmas 2016
This chrisrmas was so much fun! Brooklyn was so cute opening her presents and got sad when they had to be put together before she could play with them! She would rip a piece of paper off and hand it to one of us and keep ripping off more pieces, it was so cute! Santa filled our stockings and brought brooklyn a cute little leap frog oicnic basket! She loves it. We were so grateful to be able to spend this Christmas season together as a fa!iky! We received a lot of games and spent all afternoon playing with each other. We had church at 9 and i couldnt imagine a better place to spend Christmas than at church worshipping our Savior and His birth. i hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their families and friends! Merry , from our family to yours!
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Brooklyn: 1 year 1 month
Brooklyn is one of the funniest little girls ever! She is constantly giggling at something and has the cutest laugh. She is walking, more like running now days, everywhere! She is so fast and if you tell her to come to you when she doesn't want to she will run in the opposite direction!
Brooklyn has recently hit a naughty streak and will hit Curtis and I in the face if we won't let her do what she wants or take something from her that she shouldn't have. I make her sit down for a while after she hits us and she will throw a fit. If anyone has any advice on how to get her to quit hitting I would love to have it!
Other than that she really is the sweetest little thing. She loves to give hugs & kisses to anyone that asks. Brooklyn waves and blows kisses bye-bye. She still loves her baby doll. She loves her castle tent and her car. She loves playing the piano at Nana and Papa's house. She loves the swing set and slide. Brooklyn goes to bed around 8 pm in her own crib and doesn't wake up until between 7 & 8 the next morning. She also takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Brooklyn has been using a spoon to eat her food lately and she loves peaches. Brooklyn will also throw toys for the dogs and play fetch with them. Brooklyn has 5 teeth, 2 on bottom and 3 on top. The 4th one on top is SO close to breaking through. Brooklyn loves clicking her tongue on the roof of her mouth!
If you are holding Brooklyn and wearing earrings or a necklace WATCH OUT! Brooklyn can take earrings out and pull on necklaces like crazy!
If you are holding Brooklyn and wearing earrings or a necklace WATCH OUT! Brooklyn can take earrings out and pull on necklaces like crazy!
Brooklyn has been very obsessed with this blanket lately. She will cry if we walk past with it and don't give it to her. She grabs a tight hold when we take her out of her crib. She hasn't hit the stage where it has to go to the store yet with her but man, around the house she thinks she needs it!
Brooklyn got to meet Santa again today at our Ward Christmas Breakfast! She really liked him today and was excited to get a candy cane from him! We can't wait to see what Santa brings Brooklyn for Christmas ;)
Monday, December 5, 2016
10 Random Facts About Me
Hey everyone! I'm not entirely sure who all reads this blog but I thought it would be fun to do a little random facts about me!
1. Guilty pleasure: Reading fashion & lifestyle blogs. You can catch me snuggled up on the couch with my laptop and staring at my screen for hours (mostly when I should be doing homework)!
2. I 100% absolutely love Reese's, in any way, shape or form. You could probably get me to say yes to anything if you gave me a Reese's!
3. I have always wanted to have a really big family! (That probably isn't new to some of you haha) I have a really large family myself and I have always wanted AT LEAST 5 kids, although I would love to have more than that! But I have convinced Curtis to at least 5, we'll see if I can convince him to more or not ;)
4. I love to read! Yes, I read books too, not just blogs! Haha. I am currently reading the Harry Potter series... again! Well, I read up to book 4 when I was younger and never finished, I have no idea why! And I have only seen the first 2 movies., When Curtis and I were on our honeymoon it was over Thanksgiving and we had to go to Walmart to get some food. Well, we forgot about Black Friday going on and the store was a mad house, seriously all we wanted was a couple lunchables! So we saw a bin of movies and we got ALL 8 Harry Potter movies for $2 a piece! Score! But Curtis said we couldn't watch them until I finished all the books. So here we are 2 years later and I am just barely finishing the 5th book! Life has been busy the past 2 years! I also love a little Nicholas Sparks in my life (another guilty pleasure!) Let me know of any books you love, I always love adding to my reading list!
5. I secretly wish I could be a photographer! I seriously think I would love it and do so well at it! And maybe one day I will be able too. Unfortunately, we just cannot afford a nice camera right now. So until then I will stick with taking pictures on my phone and using Instagram filters to make my pictures cuter!
6. Sometimes I think I have a small case of OCD. I am glad that I am a girl who never wanted to get tattoos because I would have to get the exact same thing mirrored in the same exact spot on the other side! I love things to be organized and have a place to be. Which is hard living in apartments all the time and not having room for everything!
7. Retail therapy is where it's at! I love to shop. Online, in the store, window shopping. I'll take it all! My most favorite thing to shop for though is gifts for other people. Every time I try and find something for myself I have the hardest time. But if I am shopping for someone else I can spend $100 in no time flat!
8. I love to learn new things. Even though I complain about school and homework, I absolutely love learning.
9. Growing up all I ever wanted to be was a wife and mom. My dreams came true as a 21 & 22 year old. I love that I get to live out my dreams every.single.day.
10. One of my favorite things is having the opportunity to go to church every Sunday. I love it. I love this gospel and how it has changed my life. I love my Heavenly Father and Savior so much. What better way to serve and love than by attending church and learning more about them and renewing my covenants with them. Because of Him I get to be with my family for eternity, what greater gift is there?
Well there ya have it! 10 Random Facts About Me! I hope you enjoyed.
1. Guilty pleasure: Reading fashion & lifestyle blogs. You can catch me snuggled up on the couch with my laptop and staring at my screen for hours (mostly when I should be doing homework)!
2. I 100% absolutely love Reese's, in any way, shape or form. You could probably get me to say yes to anything if you gave me a Reese's!
3. I have always wanted to have a really big family! (That probably isn't new to some of you haha) I have a really large family myself and I have always wanted AT LEAST 5 kids, although I would love to have more than that! But I have convinced Curtis to at least 5, we'll see if I can convince him to more or not ;)
4. I love to read! Yes, I read books too, not just blogs! Haha. I am currently reading the Harry Potter series... again! Well, I read up to book 4 when I was younger and never finished, I have no idea why! And I have only seen the first 2 movies., When Curtis and I were on our honeymoon it was over Thanksgiving and we had to go to Walmart to get some food. Well, we forgot about Black Friday going on and the store was a mad house, seriously all we wanted was a couple lunchables! So we saw a bin of movies and we got ALL 8 Harry Potter movies for $2 a piece! Score! But Curtis said we couldn't watch them until I finished all the books. So here we are 2 years later and I am just barely finishing the 5th book! Life has been busy the past 2 years! I also love a little Nicholas Sparks in my life (another guilty pleasure!) Let me know of any books you love, I always love adding to my reading list!
5. I secretly wish I could be a photographer! I seriously think I would love it and do so well at it! And maybe one day I will be able too. Unfortunately, we just cannot afford a nice camera right now. So until then I will stick with taking pictures on my phone and using Instagram filters to make my pictures cuter!
6. Sometimes I think I have a small case of OCD. I am glad that I am a girl who never wanted to get tattoos because I would have to get the exact same thing mirrored in the same exact spot on the other side! I love things to be organized and have a place to be. Which is hard living in apartments all the time and not having room for everything!
7. Retail therapy is where it's at! I love to shop. Online, in the store, window shopping. I'll take it all! My most favorite thing to shop for though is gifts for other people. Every time I try and find something for myself I have the hardest time. But if I am shopping for someone else I can spend $100 in no time flat!
8. I love to learn new things. Even though I complain about school and homework, I absolutely love learning.
9. Growing up all I ever wanted to be was a wife and mom. My dreams came true as a 21 & 22 year old. I love that I get to live out my dreams every.single.day.
10. One of my favorite things is having the opportunity to go to church every Sunday. I love it. I love this gospel and how it has changed my life. I love my Heavenly Father and Savior so much. What better way to serve and love than by attending church and learning more about them and renewing my covenants with them. Because of Him I get to be with my family for eternity, what greater gift is there?
Well there ya have it! 10 Random Facts About Me! I hope you enjoyed.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Thanksgiving Trip 2016
This year for Thanksgiving we were able to travel out to Nevada to see my family. We had such a great time while we were there. We were able to do a lot of fun things! We saw a lot of family & friends, went to Utah, and did fun Christmas activities! We love spending time with family and were so sad to have to leave. Here are a few snippets of our 2 weeks in Nevada!
Brooklyn's 2 top teeth broke through while we were there!
Brooklyn had so much fun playing outside at Nana & Papa's!
Thanksgiving fun!
We were able to go to Temple Square and see all the lights!!
Curtis has a friend who was able to get us some student passes to the BYU basketball and football games! The 3 of us were able to go to the basketball game but just Curtis went to the football game (it was way too cold to take Brooklyn).
Katy & Jason came by for a few minutes to give Brooklyn her birthday present! She was taking a nap while they were here but she absolutely loves her gift! (I think Curtis does too!)
We had such a fun couple weeks in Nevada with my family! It was a long drive back and Brooklyn is such a trooper! (We were in the car over 30 hours in one week when Brooklyn was 6 weeks old so she is such a great traveler.) We can't wait to go back and visit again, but for now it's time to decorate for Christmas and enjoy this season of gratitude, love and thanks to our Savior.
Brooklyn's 2 top teeth broke through while we were there!
Brooklyn had so much fun playing outside at Nana & Papa's!
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I finally was able to get my carmel popcorn to turn out right! |
Thanksgiving fun!
We were able to go to Temple Square and see all the lights!!
Curtis has a friend who was able to get us some student passes to the BYU basketball and football games! The 3 of us were able to go to the basketball game but just Curtis went to the football game (it was way too cold to take Brooklyn).
Katy & Jason came by for a few minutes to give Brooklyn her birthday present! She was taking a nap while they were here but she absolutely loves her gift! (I think Curtis does too!)
We took Brooklyn to the Festival of Trees in Elko to look at all of the pretty Christmas trees. She loved running around (we shouldn't have even taken the stroller in) and looking at all the fun trees. But she ABSOLUTELY hated Santa.. I mean, she's only one. Wouldn't you hate a big, fat, hairy old man?? She screamed and cried and we didn't get a cute picture with him. Maybe next year.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Just a Mom
After I finished dental assisting school I was working as a dental assistant at an endodontist office. We were closed on Wednesdays but the other assistant, myself and the front office girl would switch weeks of going in to clean and answer phones. One day I found myself in the office working a Wednesday. I was still fairly new so I didn't know a lot about the computer stuff and scheduling appointments. I got a phone call from another dental office asking some questions about a patient. I had no idea where to look or what to tell this lady. Finally, after a few minutes of searching and searching I said, "Could you call back tomorrow and talk with our receptionist? I'm just an assistant and don't know how to find what you're looking for."
Just an assistant.
The lady on the other end kind of chuckled and said "Hun, you're never just anything!"
Boy was my mind opened. Every where I turn there is someone saying something similar to what I had told that lady on the other end of the phone.
Just a kid. Just a student. Just a this. Just a that.
I can't tell you how much I hate hearing someone say they are "just a mom" or "just a stay at home mom". My entire life that is what I dreamed of being, a stay at home mom. I didn't want a career life, I didn't want to be a working mom. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with also wanting a career!) I am not any less of a person because I choose to stay home with my baby. I am not just a mom. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am a student. I am a friend. I am nurturing and raising my baby to become the best person she can possibly be. And I absolutely love being a mom. It is the greatest thing in the world, to feel needed and loved.
You are not just anything. You are a capable of being the greatest you can be. Next time you go to say "I am just a..." stop and think, because you aren't. You are so much greater than that.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
She's A Wild ONE!
Brooklyn Ann Evans
I just can't believe that our little girl is 1! She's feisty and lovable, sweet and ornery, sassy and adorable. We just can't imagine our lives without this beautiful little girl!
Some of Brooklyn's favorite things:
Baby Doll
Waving Bye-Bye
Walking (since 11 months)
Sleeping in her own crib
Chasing her daddy
Playing with the keys
Bath time
Potatoes (in any form)
Water Bottles
Brushing her teeth
Laughing and Smiling
Driving her little tikes car around
Sitting in her rocking chair
Giving Kisses and Hugs
23 pounds
30 inches tall
Copies gestures and words
Still only 2 teeth but has 4 coming in on the top
Claps her hands
Listens very well
Climb the stairs
Brings you her blanket when she is hungry/tired
As of November 1, 2016 has stopped nursing
Takes 2 naps a day & sleeps all through the night
Brooklyn tells the best stories and you can tell by the tone in her voice if she's asking a question or so excited or concerned about something!
Brooklyn dressed up as Snow White for Halloween and she was so stinkin' cute!
Here are Brooklyn's ONE YEAR pictures!
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