Just an assistant.
The lady on the other end kind of chuckled and said "Hun, you're never just anything!"
Boy was my mind opened. Every where I turn there is someone saying something similar to what I had told that lady on the other end of the phone.
Just a kid. Just a student. Just a this. Just a that.
I can't tell you how much I hate hearing someone say they are "just a mom" or "just a stay at home mom". My entire life that is what I dreamed of being, a stay at home mom. I didn't want a career life, I didn't want to be a working mom. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with also wanting a career!) I am not any less of a person because I choose to stay home with my baby. I am not just a mom. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am a student. I am a friend. I am nurturing and raising my baby to become the best person she can possibly be. And I absolutely love being a mom. It is the greatest thing in the world, to feel needed and loved.
You are not just anything. You are a capable of being the greatest you can be. Next time you go to say "I am just a..." stop and think, because you aren't. You are so much greater than that.
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