Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Temple is a Holy Place

This afternoon Curtis and I were able to attend the temple together. We have not been able to go together for quite a while. We didn't want to leave Brooklyn for too long so we decided to do sealings, which is just what I needed.
It is so wonderful to be able to kneel across the alter and hear those beautiful blessings and covenants that we heard and promised on our own wedding day. Curtis and I were the youngest couple in the session. We were able to sit and reflect on our own marriage just 2 short years ago. Being in such a sacred place with my eternal companion is one of the greatest blessings. 
As we sat in the sealing room I was able to ponder and pray to my Heavenly Father about questions that are on my mind. Heavenly Father listens and loves us. He knows us each individually and I am so grateful for His love and blessings that he pours down onto me and my family. 
I love the temple and am so eternally grateful to be able to be worthy to enter into the house of the Lord. I love this gospel and all of the wonderful blessings that it has brought into my life. I am grateful for my husband and all of his hard work that he does. I know that we are sealed for eternity and what better blessing is there than being with your family forever? 
I know I am rambling but I just feel so much gratitude and peace in my heart today as I serve the Lord. 

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