Brooklyn was standing on the bottom stair and I think she forgot she was on it. She took a step back and fell right off! She cut her gums right at the frenum on the top and it was bleeding pretty bad. It was a little swollen and bruised for a day or so. She's feeling much better now but we still are not brushing her teeth until it heels all the way, mostly because she won't let us anywhere near her mouth!
Speaking of brushing teeth, Brooklyn loves to brush her teeth! She is very observant and knows that Curtis and I put water on our toothbrushes. After we hand her her own toothbrush she sits there with it in the air and tells mama! louder and louder until I turn the faucet on and put some water on it!
Brooklyn is STILL taking 2 naps a day and it is wonderful! She also sleeps 11-12 hours at night! (I hope finding jinx myself!)
Brooklyn is still loving nursery and I am so glad they let her go early!
We finally had warm enough weather the other day and were able to go play outside! Brooklyn ran and ran all around the yard! Hopefully it quits raining soon so we can get out and enjoy the sunshine more!
The jogging stroller was in the front room the other day and Brooklyn climbed right up into it (I still have no idea how she was able to do that without tipping it over!). She's really itching to go on some walks.
The answer to everything is no (in the sweetest little voice ever!) Even if it's not a yes or no question.
Brooklyn took her first trip to Kansas! Last time we were there I was pregnant with her! She had so much fun playing with her cousins!
Brooklyn loves dancing and singing, Justin Timberlake is her current fav. I'm okay with that because my 90s side gets to come back out! ;)
"Oh no!" is a new favorite saying. And Brooklyn has been calling everybody mama lately!
We have been trying to ween Brooklyn off of her pacifier. For about the past 6ish months she has only had it while taking naps and sleeping at night. She really doesn't need it because she will fall asleep sometimes without it. She usually does really good falling asleep without it, it's at 2:30 or 5:30 am that she wakes up crying and I am too tired I usually give it to her! But there have been a lot of good night's where she sleeps all night without it! Big girl!
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