Baby #3 is a......
We are so excited for this sweet baby girl to join our family! I can't wait to see Brooklyn with a sister and I feel so bad that Parley will be in between 2 sisters! Hopefully he gets a brother one day ;)
Anyway, everything looked good on the ultrasound for baby sister. As of right now I have placenta previa- the placenta is covering my cervix. We will do another ultrasound in 8 weeks to see if it has moved or not. We are really hoping and praying it moves, if not then unfortunately I will be having a c-section to deliver the baby.
I will do the glucose test at my next appointment and they will also check my antibody levels again. They came back really low last time so hopefully they're still good!
I haven't been sick at all. I have been extremely tired! Ha. Busting out the maternity clothes already and needing to buy some more comfy leggings!
We have absolutely no idea what we are going to name this little girl. Now that we know she's a girl I guess we can start talking about it ha
We are so excited for May and can't wait to meet another little Evans baby!
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