Friday, February 10, 2017

Brooklyn: 1 year 3 months

Brooklyn goes a mile a minute. She loves the tv show Sofia the First. She would probably sit in front of the tv for hours watching it if I would let her. I guess we have let her watch Princess Sofia too much because when she has her bottle in the morning she wants to lay on the couch and watch it!

Curtis has a duck pond game from when he was younger. The pond spins in circles and you set the ducks on it and they go around and around. Brooklyn loves turning it on and watching the ducks spin. If they get stuck and bunched up she will pick one up and set it on an open space so it can keep spinning, she is such a smart girl.

Brooklyn is really starting to copy words that we say and they sound so cute. At church she saw a picture of Christ and said 'Jesus'. My heart could burst!

Anytime Brooklyn hears music she stops what she's doing and starts dancing. She will stomp her, shake her head and her booty. It's so cute!

Brooklyn loves to say "night-night!" That is actually how she will say goodbye now. She also smacks her lios and blows kisses.

Brooklyn has an old razor flip phone that she carries around everywhere and "talks" into it. The back falls off sometimes and she will bring it to me all worried fpr me to put it back on.

Brooklyn loves to help with laundry. She will sit at the washer and dryer and taje one oiece of ckothing at a time from the hamper to the washer or the washer to the dryer. She is so smart. Brooklyn also loves to help while folding clothes by dragging them all over the floor.

Brooklyn started going to nursery a few weeks ago and she loves it! Technically she isn't old enough to go yet because she isn't 18 months, but she doesn't cry at all and the nursery leaders said she does awesome so they let her keep going! She has a hard time sitting for 3 hours at church so nursery has been so good for her. All she wants to do is play and eat snacks! Haha!

We were eating dinner last Sunday and all of a sudden Brooklyn goes 'yeah baby!!' Don't know who taught her to say that but it was hilarious!

Brooklyn had her 15 month check up and shots on February 15.  She weighs 25.4 lbs and is 31 inches tall. That is 75% for both! 

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