Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Brooklyn: 1 year 11 months

Brooklyn is the funniest girl ever! She keeps me on my toes and laughing every single day! She comes up with the funniest things to say and I have no idea where she gets it from.

I can't believe that in ONE month Brooklyn will be TWO! I just can't believe how fast the last two years have gone. I sure love this spunky little girl!

Brooklyn also has her naughty side too! If she gets told no she will throw whatever is in her hand.. She definitely has an attitude and is very stubborn.

Brooklyn can't wait for her baby brother to get here and she is going to be the best big sister. She is such a mommy to her baby dolls and its the sweetest.

Brooklyn got her first blisters this past month. Curtis was making popcorn on the stove and turned his back for 2 seconds and she either touched the pan or the burner.. Brooklyn has a very high pain tolerance and she just ran to us and said "hot, hot!" Blisters take a minutes to show up and her fingers were just red, I kissed them better and she just kept saying "hot, hot!" so I ran them under cold water and you could see it took the pain away for a little bit. We noticed the blisters coming up and we felt so bad for her! She had a blister on her ring finger and her middle finger. All she wanted us to do was run them under the cold water. We put some aloe vera on them and band aids so she wouldn't touch them. They were pretty big blisters but by morning she was fine and you wouldn't even know they were there because she felt fine! It did take a couple weeks for the blisters to go away though.

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