Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Brooklyn: 1 year 2 months

14 MONTHS!?! I just cant believe it. Oh my goodness I can't believe the personality that Brooklyn has. Brooklyn has 7 teeth (5 on top, 2 on bottom) and while she was cutting her top left molar she was taking 3-4 hour naps 2x a day for about 3 days! And we had no idea why she was sleeping so much, now we do haha! Brooklyn was so fun at Christmas and the looks on her face while she was unwrapping her gifts was the best part. Brooklyn is tall and has been leaning out a lot because she is so active. There is a gymnastics place here that does open gym M-F for an hour and a half each day. We have gone a few times and Brooklyn absolutely loves it!! We will definitely be going a couple times each week. we have also been going to Story Time at the library late!y every Friday morning and both Brooklyn and I love it. It is hard socializing and making friends as a stay at home mom, but I am starting to get out of my shell and do more mommy and me activities with Brooklyn!
Brooklyn got a castle tent for her birthday and her favorite thing is to make Curtis get in it, if he tries to crawl out she pushes him back in and the cycle continues. it is so funny! I take in all the snuggles I can get these days because Brooklyn will only sleep in her crib. She is getting attached to her own room and bed. Brooklyn still takes 2 naps a day, although some days she will take one long one instead of two. Brooklyn has a very good night time routine and loves her bath, story and family prayer. Brooklyn loves to be the center of attention and facetiming Nana and Papa. It's hard being far away and we're so thankful for technology to keep us connected.
Brooklyn only has her pacifier while she sleeps, although we are going to try and kick that habit in the next couple months!
Brooklyn said 'french fries' today and it was the cutest little thing ever!
I love this little girl so much and could give her 1000 kisses a day! She can be shaking her head and so sassy and turn around and be giving you kisses 30 seconds later. When Brooklyn is tired she is the most emotional girl I've ever seen!
Brooklyn loves books. Brooklyn loves all of the new toys she got for Christmas. She sure got spoiled by everyone that loves her. She got a rocking elephant, a shopping cart, a picnic basket, books, bows, a dollhouse, tennis shoes and some new outfits!
Sometimes as I'm playing with Brooklyn I still can't believe that I am a mom, let alone a mom to a toddler. Life is crazy and unexpected but it has been so much fun with Brooklyn in our family.

First pig tails!!

Brooklyn got into the garbage and thought it was so fun! At least it was just salad and not gross stuff!

This girl knows how to work her little computer better than I do!

We got our very own "Rhinestone Cowgirl" 

This is how Brooklyn holds the phone while FaceTiming. 

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